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Some Day That day will come when you finally realize you need to leave things in the past and move on.

People will be mad and people will be hurt, but for you to overcome the hurt and the pain or what ever has made your life come to a halt, You have to go forward and start from scratch, rebuild yourself and your life again.

Will this be easy? no it never is, but its something that has to be done for you to survive in this world. We just have to dig deep within ourselves and find that person we once knew who was happy and enjoyed life,

It will be a struggle and will seem hard to go on but all you need is time and patience and you will see it begin to come into place.

I will tell you this, when you feel that its not going anywhere and you begin to give up, You think deep inside and remember this

You are someone and be proud of who you are let nothing or nobody bring you to this depth of feeling lost or worthless again........GG.

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